School Uniform
School uniform at Blackburn is compulsory for all children in Reception and above. Parents do not need to purchase school branded items. Uniform can be bought from the school office (first and second hand) or from any preferred supplier that adheres to the items below.
Compulsory items
- Gold or light blue polo shirt;
- Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan;
- Dark trousers or tailored shorts or skirt;
- White T-shirt for P.E.;
- Dark blue or black shorts/jogging bottoms;
- Dark shoes or trainers.
- Book bag
PE Kit
- White T-shirt for P.E.;
- Dark blue or black shorts/jogging bottoms;
- School jumper
Optional items
- School fleece
- School outdoor jacket
Items with the school logo can be purchased from school at cost price. Other non branded uniform or generic items can be purchased from any uniform stockist or more widely in supermarkets etc
Please mark all items of clothing with the child's name.